Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000
Any Vehicle, Any Condition, Up To $10,000

Junkyard Blog

Welcome to the Rusty's Auto Salvage Blog.  We will post articles that will help you get the most for your junk car or junk truck.  Learn how to prepare your car for sale to a junkyard, how to pick the best junk car buyer, what to watch out for and lots of great car repair tips.  




Chip Prices and Junk CarsWhat Happens to Junk Cars After They’re Sold?
Anyone who has tried to buy a new or used car recently knows that prices have dramatically increased to a surprisingly high rate. It seems like there are fewer cars to choose from online and in-person on the lot. This is due to a worldwide shortage of microchip production. This shortage has the potential to affect the economy among multiple vital industries for years to come.....


Tow your junk car for freeWill we really tow your junk car for free?
You’ll see this claim on every junk car buying website -- we tow any car for free! But is that really true? What if your car is missing wheels? Or extra large? How can you be sure that you’ll really get free towing?


Is auto recycling good for the environment?Is auto recycling good for the environment?
Cars are one of the largest polluters on the planet, and typically cause more harm than good to the environment. Between oil production, mining for metals, and carbon emissions, you may think there is no way cars could be good for the environment. But there is one way you can give back a little when your car reaches the end of its life...Recycle it!


Fix your junk carShould you fix your junk car or sell it?
Some cars have 9 lives and can be repaired easily and continue to run for years. Others have one random break and are done for. The difference between these two often depends on the type of repair needed to get the car in working condition again vs. the value of the car. You don’t want to ever spend more to fix a car than the car is actually worth -- that’s just money down the drain!


Pile of Junk CarsHow to Take Advantage of the Volatile Scrap Metal Market
When you begin to research scrapping your car, the results may be overwhelming. Should you sell it whole and just take the best price? Should you sell it for parts? How much is it worth? Does the car increase or decrease in value over time? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this and will largely depend on your individual situation. In this article, we will explain the best way to go about scrapping your car for parts and metal, rather than just selling the whole vehicle to an auto recycler like us.


Don't fall for a junk car scamDon’t Fall for a Junk Car Scam
Junk car scams are very common and we don’t want you to fall for them! While we promise to give you a fair price and guarantee a good experience, we also know you may be looking at other options. So here are some things to be wary of when trying to sell your junk car.


Don't sell in the winterShould I Junk My Car at a Certain Time of Year?
The junk car market is an ever-flowing market that ebbs and flows with demand for scrap metal and supply of junk cars. In order to time your junk car sale to get the best deal, you’ll need to be familiar with what impacts the value of scrap metal.


Sell your junk carAnswers to the Top 5 Junk Car Questions
If you've got questions about selling your junk car, check out our list of the top junk car questions.


Pile of Junk CarsHow do you get rid of a junk car?
When it comes time to get rid of that clunker taking up space in your garage, you may think it’s as easy as dropping it off at a junkyard and calling it a day, but there are a few more steps to it. In order to make sure you get the most for your junk car and do it the right way, we’ve compiled this little guide to help you out.


When is it time to junk my car?When is it time to junk my car?
We know that parting ways with an old, beloved car can be difficult. Maybe it’s the first car you ever bought with your own money; maybe it took you on a road trip across the country; maybe it’s just been a good car. But no matter what, eventually all cars are not worth keeping any more.


What is the scrap value of my car?
When planning on selling your junk car, it can be difficult to figure out how much you'll get for it. There are multiple factors, from reselling the parts to the price of steel that can affect the value of the car.


What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Your Junk Car?What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Your Junk Car?
After deciding that you’re going to sell your junk car, you need to figure out who to give it to. There are multiple options, each with their pros and cons. Here we will outline some of them to help guide you to the best decision for you.

Of course if you are interested in selling your junk car to one of our salvage yards please call us or fill out our form.

Buying Junk Cars with BitcoinInterested in being paid for your Junk Car with Cyptocurrency?
Rusty's Auto Salvage is planning to offer to pay our sellers in cryptocurrency. Are you interested in getting Bitcoin in your pocket rather than cash?....
Where Do Junk Cars End Up?Where Do Junk Cars End Up?
You’ve decided you definitely want to sell your junk car, and you’ve even made a few phone calls to local junk car buyers. As far as you’re concerned, the sooner your junk car is gone, the better. The whole process has got you thinking, though: what exactly happens to a junk car when you sell it? Where do junk cars end up?....
How to Know if a Junk Car Buyer is LegitHow to Know if a Junk Car Buyer is Legit
You’re ready to sell your junk car, and you’ve started calling around to junk yards and other junk car buyers. The question is, though: how can you tell is a junk yard is legit? Who’s to say that a particular junk car buyer isn’t just out to scam you?....
When to Sell Your Junk Car: Is It Time?When to Sell Your Junk Car: Is It Time?
Is it time to sell your junk car? How do you know when the time has come to stop pouring money into your old vehicle and sell it instead? If you spend the cash on this repair, is it just going to break down again in a few months (or even a few days)? It’s impossible to predict exactly what’s going to happen with your junk car. But, the truth is that you can actually make an informed decision about whether you should hang onto your vehicle or go ahead and sell it....
How to Sell a Junk Car with No RegistrationHow to Sell a Junk Car with No Registration
Calling up a junk car buyer and arranging a time for them to come tow your junk car (and pay you cash for it) seems like a no brainer. There’s another side to this equation, though. The problem is all of the details involved in selling your junk car. You’ll need to sign over your title, and possibly fill out a bill of sale. That’s when it hits you: your junk car is unregistered. Can you still sell it to a junk car buyer legally? What’s the process like?....
What is the Scrap and Parts Value of My Junk Car?What is the Scrap and Parts Value of My Junk Car?
Do you have a junk car that you’re looking to sell? At Rusty’s Auto Salvage, we work with a lot of customers who are chomping at the bit to sell a junk car. They want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, and we don’t blame them. After all, owning a junk car is no fun. They’re expensive to maintain, half the time they refuse....
What Should I Do With My Registration After I’ve Sold My Car?What Should I Do With My Registration After I’ve Sold My Car?
Are you ready to sell your junk car to a private buyer in your area? Maybe you’ve connected with a buyer through an online classified website, and you’re ready to collect your cash. Or, perhaps you’ve found a dealership or a local junk yard that’s prepared to give you cash for your old vehicle....
What Causes Squeaky Brakes?What Causes Squeaky Brakes?
Are the brakes on your car starting to squeak? Or, are they at a point where they’re making an unbearable sound every time you need to come to a stop? There are different types of sounds that brakes can make, and different sounds indicate different sorts of car problems....
What to Do When Your Car Smells Like AntifreezeWhat to Do When Your Car Smells Like Antifreeze
You’re driving down the road, and you start to smell something. At first, you can’t tell exactly what it is. It’s a familiar scent, but you just can’t place it. After a little consideration, you realize what it is: antifreeze....
Is My Car’s Air Conditioner Broken?Is My Car’s Air Conditioner Broken?
There’s nothing worse than getting into your car on a blistering hot summer day and having to deal with the greenhouse effect of hot, stuffy air inside. Well, actually, there is one thing that’s worse: having a car with a broken air conditioning system....
How to Tell if Your Car’s Speakers are BlownHow to Tell if Your Car’s Speakers are Blown
We’ve heard this story before: you’re driving down the road, listening to your favorite song. You’re really into it, and you decide to turn up the volume. You crank it up...then a little more...and a bit more...and then the loudest part of the song comes on. Next thing you know, your speakers....
How to Estimate the Value of Your Junk Car How to Estimate the Value of Your Junk Car
The day has finally arrived: it’s time to sell your junk car. You’ve put it off for as long as you could, and now you’ve got to deal with the situation. A lot of junk car owners procrastinate when it comes to selling their junk car. Why?....
Donating Vs. Selling Your Junk CarDonating Vs. Selling Your Junk Car
Is this your situation? You have a beat up old vehicle on your hands. You’re thinking you might want to sell your junk car, provided you could get a decent amount of cash for it. But, you’re not sure if it’s the way to go. Then, it occurs to you that you could donate your junk car instead of selling it. Would that make sense to do?....
Can I Sell My Car Without the Title?Can I Sell My Car Without the Title?
In some cases, it’s possible to sell a junk car without a title. You can take two approaches if this is what you’re looking to do. On the one hand, you could call around to local junk yards in your area and ask if they’ll pay you cash for your junk car even though you can’t find the title. Be prepared to make a lot of phone calls, though....
Can I Deduct My Car Repairs On My Taxes?Can I Deduct My Car Repairs On My Taxes?
If you have an old, beat up vehicle in your possession, you can sell your junk car and use the cash you get to put towards a new vehicle. Within 24 hours, you could have enough cash in hand to put a down payment on a new vehicle....
Getting A Car Loan With Bad CreditGetting A Car Loan With Bad Credit
There are few things that are quite as exciting as looking for a new car. That is, as long as you have the credit necessary to finance your new vehicle purchase. If your credit less than optimal -- and especially if you have particularly bad credit -- shopping for a new car can be stressful and intimidating rather than enthralling. It can be challenging to find a lender....
Towing a Truck Using ChainsTowing a Truck Using Chains
Do you have an old junk truck on your hands that you need to sell? Maybe you’re trying to sell a junk car, but need to tow it first. That’s understandable: old junk vehicles are rarely in running condition, and it’s good to know how to tow a vehicle on your own in an emergency situation. Before you get started, though, it’s important that you take the necessary precautions....
What to Do When Your Car is RepossessedWhat to Do When Your Car is Repossessed
Has your car been repossessed? Without a doubt, going through the repossession process can be shocking, frustrating, exhausting, and a whole host of other challenging things. That said, you don’t have time to mope. Every state is different, but banks are generally required to hold onto your vehicle for....
3 Things to Do Before You Sell Your Junk Car3 Things to Do Before You Sell Your Junk Car
Ready to sell your junk car? Great! Congratulations. You’re going to be a lot happier once that old clunker is gone for good. Most people believe that selling a junk car will be an incredibly painful, long, drawn out, and time consuming process. In some cases, this is true. But, it all depends on the approach that you take. Here’s the good news: selling your junk car doesn’t....
Selling A Car With Negative EquitySelling A Car With Negative Equity
Whenever possible, people tend to wait to sell their car until it’s been completely paid off. This is a common strategy employed by most car owners in order to get as much life out of their vehicle as possible before cashing it in for whatever it’s worth at the time. But, it’s not always possible to take this approach. There are often cases where you’ll need to sell your car while....
Your Guide to Car TiresYour Guide to Car Tires
Okay, we’ll admit it. Maybe a “guide to car tires” doesn’t sound like the most exciting blog post you’ve ever read. In fact, the vast majority of car owners don’t even really think about their tires. Are they all terrain? Touring? Snow? Who cares, right?....
Recycling a Junk CarRecycling a Junk Car
There’s no question: everyone loves a new car. Driving around in a shiny, clean, sparkly vehicle is a great feeling. Unfortunately, a car can’t stay that way. Over time, every vehicle will begin to show signs of wear and tear. Eventually, your vehicle will begin to fall apart....
All There Is to Know About Junk YardsAll There is to Know About Junk Yards
Do you have a junk car that you’re ready to sell to a local scrap yard? Congratulations! Getting rid of a junk car is a great move. After all, they tend to be little more than a drain on your bank account....
Sell Your Junk Car Any Time of DaySell Your Junk Car Any Time of Day
Are you stuck with a junk car that you need to sell in a hurry? Maybe it’s the weekend and you need to come up with some quick cash. Or, maybe it’s late at night....
How Much Does My Car Weigh?How Much Does My Car Weigh?
If someone were to ask you right now how much your car weighs, could you give them a quick and accurate answer? For a lot of people, the answer is no. But, you may be surprised to learn that it’s actually quite important to know how much....
What to Do with Your Water Damaged CarWhat to Do with Your Water Damaged Car
Over the last year, a number of major storms have swept across the United States. Particularly in the south and on the east coast, both cities and rural areas have been hit hard by tremendously powerful storms. While downed power lines and damage to infrastructure can be problematic, the flooding....
Trump’s Tariffs and the Price of Scrap MetalTrump’s Tariffs and the Price of Scrap Metal
In early March, President Donald Trump signed two proclamations which would introduce a 20% tariff on steel and aluminum. As of today, it appears that these proclamations will actually go....
3 reasons to sell junk car Top 3 Risks of Driving a Junk Car
No matter who you are or what kind of vehicle you drive, there’s one thing we can all agree on: safe driving is important. You have to adhere to the speed limit, ensure that you pay attention to traffic lights and other signs, and keep your eyes on both the road and the actions of other drivers....
3 reasons to sell junk car How Much Does a New Alternator Cost
There are a handful of car problems that almost every driver experiences at some point. Over the life of just about any car, certain things are bound to go wrong. A flat tire is one example: virtually everyone will eventually have to deal with a flat tire, regardless of their vehicle’s make or model....
Who Buys Junk Cars Who Buys Junk Cars
At Rusty's Auto Salvage we know you have lots of options. A Google search for Who Buys Junk cars can yeild pages and pages of results. Some are local junkyards that buy junk cars and many are online car buyers. We work hard to be your best option for selling your junk car or truck....
How to Find A Junkyard Near Me How to Find A Junkyard Near Me That Buys Junk Cars
Ever tried to sell a junk car? It’s not exactly the easiest task in the world. In fact, it can take quite a bit of time to accomplish. If you opt to go the online route, you’ll have a lot to do....
How to Find A Junkyard Near Me How Junkyards Decide What Your Junk Car is Worth
Here’s the situation: you’re the not-so-proud owner of a junk car. It’s practically driving you crazy, and you’re ready to be rid of it. You’ve finally made the decision, too: you’re going to sell it ASAP....
Top 10 Junkyard Scams and How to Avoid ThemTop 10 Junkyard Scams and How to Avoid Them
This might be the most common scam we’ve seen in the world of junk cars. First, you call up a scrap yard and get a quote for your vehicle. They quote you a great price, and you’re excited to sell. Everything seems fine at the outset....
How to Find a Buyer for Your Junk CarHow to Find a Buyer for Your Junk Car
Do you have a vehicle that you’re looking to sell? If you have a regular used car, selling it is pretty straightforward. When it comes to selling a junk car, though, things aren’t that simple....
How to Tell if Your Vehicle is a Junk CarHow to Tell if Your Vehicle is a Junk Car
Does this describe your situation? You have a vehicle, and you realize that it’s not exactly in the best of shape. Now, to be fair, every vehicle ages as time goes on, and needing to fix up and repair your vehicle is just a normal part of being a car owner. So, if your car is looking a little rough....
Top 3 Reasons to Sell Your Junk Car to a JunkyardTop 3 Reasons to Sell Your Junk Car to a Junkyard
If you’re like most junk car owners, you may have procrastinated a bit when it comes to selling your junk car. It’s understandable, of course. Your car ran reliably for years and years, but over time the number of mechanical issues really started to pile up. For months now, it’s just been collecting dust in your garage....
How to Sell Your Junk Car in Less Than a DayHow to Sell Your Junk Car in Less Than a Day
Are you in need of fast cash? That’s something that we’ve all experienced at one time or another. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. No matter how thoroughly we try to plan for the future, sometimes things just surprise us. There’s only so much you can do, and most of us will encounter the need for fast cash as some point in our lives....
What to Do When Your Car Has Been TotaledWhat to Do When Your Car Has Been Totaled
Owning a car is important -- after all you have to get from point A to point B -- but it can also be a source of major stress. Whether it’s getting a new driver’s license, registering your vehicle, renewing your plates, or making routine repairs, maintaining a car can be a lot of work....
What’s the Value of My Junk Car?What’s the Value of My Junk Car?
Are you in the midst of trying to deal with an old, rusted out, dust covered heap of a junk car? Whether it’s parked in your driveway, out on the street, in your yard, or even in your garage, that doesn’t change anything about the fact that it’s a junk car. And, if you have a clunker on your hands, you should sell your junk car. The longer you keep it around....
What Happens to Junk Cars After They’re Sold?What Happens to Junk Cars After They’re Sold?
Did you just sell your junk car? Well, congrats! That’s great news. And, if you’re getting ready to sell your junk car but haven’t actually gone through with it yet, congratulations are still in order. Finally being rid of a troublesome junk car is a great feeling! If you’re the curious type, though, you might be wondering: what exactly happens to my junk car after I sell it? Where does it go?....
Are Junkyards Open on Weekends?Are Junkyards Open on Weekends?
If you’re the not-so-proud owner of a junk car, chances are good that you’re ready to sell it. And, when you’re ready to sell, the last thing you want to do is hold onto your vehicle any longer than you absolutely have to. There’s a problem for many people, though. They work throughout the week, which means they can’t take their clunker to a junk yard in the middle of a weekday. They’re also not able to wait around at home on a weekday for a tow truck driver to arrive and haul away their junk car....
The Cost of Head Gasket Repair: Should You Do It?
Of all the things that can happen to your vehicle, though, there’s probably nothing more expensive or frustrating than dealing with a blown head gasket. In fact, in many cases, a blown head gasket can turn your vehicle into a junk car -- at which point your only real option is to sell your junk car to a local junk car buyer.....

Called several places to get rid of our junk car and Rusty's gave the best price and they picked it up since it didnt work. :)

Tracy - Mesa, AZ

Rusty's is excellent. They paid top dollar & kept in contact through whole process

Shateara - Shreveport, LA

Great customer service and they were fast in getting my car.

Kelly - Wilmington, DE

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